How to Install Rectified Tile

Rectified tile refers to a type of ceramic or porcelain tile that has been precisely cut and machined to have straight edges. This process ensures that each tile has nearly identical dimensions, resulting in a clean and seamless finish for your flooring or walls. Installing rectified tile requires attention to detail and precision. In this guide, we will walk you through the steps to successfully install rectified tile in your home.

1. Prepare the Surface: Before you begin, ensure that the surface where you will be installing the rectified tile is clean, dry, and level. Remove any existing flooring or debris and use a level and floor filler to correct any unevenness. It is crucial to have a smooth and stable base for the tiles.

2. Plan and Measure: Careful planning is essential to achieve a professional-looking tile installation. Start by measuring the area where you will be installing the rectified tile. Divide the area into small sections and calculate the number of tiles required, accounting for any necessary cuts or special patterns. This will help you avoid running out of tiles or purchasing unnecessary extras.

3. Apply Thinset: Thinset mortar is a cement-based adhesive used to bond the rectified tile to the surface. Begin by mixing the thinset according to the manufacturer’s instructions. Using a notched trowel, spread a thin, even layer of thinset onto the surface, only covering an area where you can install the tiles within a reasonable timeframe. The thinset acts as the bonding agent between the tile and the surface, so ensure it is applied evenly across the area.

4. Install the Tiles: Start laying the rectified tiles on the thinset, working from one corner of the room and gradually moving across. Press each tile firmly into the thinset, ensuring it is level and aligned with neighboring tiles. Use tile spacers to maintain consistent gaps between tiles for grouting later. Repeat this process until you have covered the entire installation area.

5. Cut and Trim: In most cases, you will need to cut tiles to fit around edges, corners, or obstacles like electrical outlets. Using a tile cutter or wet saw, carefully measure and mark the tiles that require cutting. Always prioritize safety by wearing protective goggles and gloves when using cutting tools. Once cut, place the trimmed tiles into their designated areas and ensure they fit snugly.

6. Allow for Drying Time: After the tiles are installed, allow the thinset to dry for at least 24 hours before applying grout. Make sure to keep the area free from foot traffic or excess moisture during this time. Check the manufacturer’s instructions for specific drying times, as they may vary depending on the type of thinset you are using.

7. Apply Grout: Prepare the grout mixture according to the manufacturer’s instructions. Using a grout float, spread the grout across the surface, ensuring it fills the gaps between the tiles completely. Wipe away any excess grout with a damp sponge before it dries. Allow the grout to cure according to the manufacturer’s recommendations and then clean the tiles to reveal the final finish.

Rectified tile creates a stunning and modern look in any space. By following these steps and paying attention to detail, you can achieve a professional-quality installation of rectified tile in your home. Enjoy your new, sleek flooring or walls!